[[Image(Screenshots:abuse.png, 40%, align=right)]] = Welcome = This is the new home to Abuse and Abuse-SDL. I took over maintenance of that game to prevent it from vanishing from the Internet. Since Abuse's public domain release in 1997, the following improvements were made: * video output uses the SDL library * lots of memory leaks fixed * 64-bit platforms support = Development = Development takes place in a Subversion repository: {{{ svn co svn://svn.zoy.org/abuse/abuse/trunk abuse-trunk }}} You can [/newticket report new bugs] or [/report/1 browse current bugs]. = Downloads = The latest official version is 0.7.0: * [/attachment/wiki/Downloads/abuse-sdl-0.7.0.tar.gz?format=raw abuse-sdl-0.7.0.tar.gz] = Contact = Page maintained by [http://sam.zoy.org/ Sam Hocevar] Contact me if you want to help in any way: [mailto:sam@zoy.org]